Thursday, 29 August 2013

Adding some lore to the battle

More Battlelore units finished for both camps. This time most of the units are from the fantasy department instead of the basic human units.

2 Human Blue Swordsmen units
1 Goblin Green Archer unit
2 Goblin Green Skirmisher units
2 Goblin Green Cavalry units
1 Goblin Red Swordsmen unit

1 Human Blue Swordsman unit
1 Dwarf Green Crossbowmen unit
1 Dwarf Red Swordmen unit
1 Blue Earth Elemental monster

And as previously stated: For the 2013 challenge I count these as 1 per unit and 1 per monster. So 11 units and 1 monster means adding 12 to the count. Still a long way to go but at least I got past the 100 barrier...


Status: 104/365

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Be prepared, FBS is coming

Just a short post, I finished the first four agents of FBS (Finnish Bureau of Safety), a fictional organization based after FBI & Men in Black.

Agents Jaakko Niittivesi, Hrothgar Nummi, Pertti Pyssy & Ville Seppä


 Status: 92/365 

Sunday, 25 August 2013

One more project...

And yet one more project added to this insanity. Though not anything new, but yet another project digged from the storage. According to my notes this was started around 2008-2009 and shelved not long after...

Unusually this isn't even a miniature game but a board game: Battlelore from Days of Wonder (later acquired by Fantasy Flight Games).

I added magnets to the miniature's bases so I could use movement trays which eases moving the units around the board. Additionally the flags were coated in varnish to make them more durable.

The first picture kind of gives a hint about what I painted:
5 Units of Blue Infantry for the Standard Camp.

As with the Flames of War these are smaller than the usual Citadel miniatures I've been painting, so I for the 2013 Challenge I count these as one painted miniature per base.


 Status: 88/365