Wednesday, 26 June 2013

More old stuff

I've been painting Orks & Gretchins for Warhammer 40000 but as my batches are usually quite large it will take some time before getting anything finished.

So instead I'll show yet another old project:

Skavens from the Warhammer Fantasy starter set called Island of Blood

As usual they were painted a couple of weeks before the release so they could be used on the release date to demo the game at a store (Puolenkuunpelit Lahti if I remember correctly).

Also as usual the paint scheme was something simple & quick and relies on heavy washes. It actually was a requirement to NOT paint them too well as that would discourage newcomers. But it is still quite nice on the battlefield when applied across a whole army.

There's a huge pile of clanrats on the "To Do" list but I don't know when I will get them painted...


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The first drops of a green tide

Back in 2008 Assault on Black Reach set was released, I had to paint it in a couple of weeks before the release so it would be ready for demoing on that date.

 Citadel Foundation Paints were also recently released, so the plan was to use them too. The paint scheme used exlusively Foundation Paints, except for Boltgun Metal as there was no metallic paints in that set. After painting the figures were dipped in Army Painter Quickshade Dark Tone. As usual, everything was kept very simple, only the skin had a drybrush: dark green base and lighter green drybrush.

20 Orc Boys

3 Deffkoptas (the rotors were magnetized, so they do spin and can be removed for transport)

5 Nobz

1 Warboss

Since then I have acquired a big bunch of boxes for the Orks, but mostly haven't got past priming. I am good at starting projects, not so good for finishing them. I'll have to dig around, I think I painted some more Orks to fill the Ork Boyz mob to full 30 and maybe another mob...


Monday, 24 June 2013

Back in time

So, the Hammerers I showed earlier started as showcase I wanted to make for some friends. The point was to show how even a very simple colour scheme is very effective when supplemented with black wash.

First colour was Plate Metal Spray from ArmyPainter. Others were Citadel Paints of various eras.

As I've said before: "Even simply painted miniatures are way better than unpainted ones".

Just a few dashes of paint help immensely (for example see my earlier post about Night Goblins). Basing is just the icing on the cake after that, it helps to bring the unit together.


And there's more...

More miniatures painted for the 2013 challenge.

34 Night Goblins with spears & shields. Includes full command. The empty spot is reserved for a Night Goblin Shaman.

View from above shows multibased models within the unit. I deem it necessary with larger unit as it speeds deployment quite a bit. Also helps to break the monotony of a ranked unit: For example some of the goblins are not really interested in the battle but are chatting instead. Additionally a Night Goblin Fanatic can be seen just before being released to wreak havoc amongst a nearby enemy.

All models from Games Workshop. The fanatic model was a promotional figure I got some years ago, can't remember any specifics though.


Status: 50/365

It's alive!

Finally got something done for my New Years resolution, which was painting at least one miniature per day, for the whole year.

So here's the first completed project, some old metal miniatures I found in the back of the cupboard:

1 Unit of 15 Dwarf Hammeres with shields (if I remember correctly those came from some old plastic Dwarf Warrior box). Contains full command unit (Champion, Standard Bearer & Musician)

1 Dwarf Runesmith

All models from Games Workshop.


Status: 16/365